Who is the father of data science and why?
I think it's thousands of questions many people are saying there is not any father of data science and someone saying william s is father of data science and some people saying john taki is father of data science. Why am I telling this because when I am trying to collect this information I don’t get any accurate result who is the father of data science. But I am not stopping to collect this information. I know if i find the information in google maybe i can get the information but google also sad me because I am not found anything about this information in google and day by day I am finding it everywhere and finally i got this, who is the father of data science. Actually many people they're giving their own opinion but reality is totally different. In this article I am trying to give this answer properly and I am trying to discuss about 2 person that's persons many people already said and find out who is the father of data science
William s full name is william seward burrough. Born and died (February 5,1914 August 2,1997)Total age 83 years. Pen name william lee.
William Lee was a american writer and visual artist. He has written an amazing book but actually I can not find any information that he is the father of data science. I know only this small information about William lee.If i give my personal opinion sothe i can say he is not the father of data science. But it is not final that i told maybe I am wrong and not it please. I am not expert for in this sector that's why you no need to agree with me
In 1982, scientist John Taki came up with a new concept called "data analysis".
In 1992, participants at a statistics symposium at the University of Montpellier in France agreed that a new field of data analysis should be established, combining established formulas and statistics and theories of computer science. The term 'data science' was first used in 1974 when Peter Nower proposed to use it as an alternative term for computer science.In 1997, a meeting of the International Classification Foundation was held in 1997. In 1997, 1997, Chico Hayasi called metaphysics a new emerging field.This the history of data science and I can say john taki is the father of data science because he started this journey.
The growing surge data science and its leading developments has lead in blockchain app development with the utilisation of data solutions development which can be understood by this well explained article about the data analytics based development